We kicked off the sermon series CULTURE ENCOUNTER, this weekend with an overview of what it means to engage PEOPLE (we always engage people formed by a culture, not culture itself). We see how Paul had both a PASSION for what is right and true combined with a COMPASSION for real people. The first sermon is called ENCOUNTER CULTURE.
After the sermon, a man named Chuck told me that a verse from John came to mind when listening to the sermon – John 1:14 – “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
What a great insight! As we engage the people around us, we look to Christ who doesn’t just balance Law and Gospel, Passion and Compassion, Grace and Truth, but is 100% both Grace and Truth at the same time.
While we fall so short of being 100% grace and truth at the same time, we have such great hope in God who is both for us and in our place. I find it amazing that when we look to the cross we see both at work. The truth of our sinful condition and it’s dreadful price, and the joy of the grace of God, paying that price in our place.
What a message of hope we’ve been given in Christ!
Who are you going to ENCOUNTER today?
Wednesday is going to be big day!
It is the last day of School for St. Andrews and we start the day with a big party! Then I lead closing chapel, which is always a mix of emotions. It’s so much fun, but every year we say goodbye to some students, and this year we say goodbye to a couple of amazing teachers who are transitioning to new phases in their lives.
After closing chapel, I head to the Luther Home in Arlington Heights to preach on 1 Corithians 15:3-4 – 3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.
After that, I head back to St. Andrews where I will be the graduation speaker. It’s not easy to write a speech and not have it turn out too “sermony.” So instead of preaching, I am going to apply a history lesson to them based on guy I really admire, JOHN PAUL JONES.
This one from the Revolutionary War…
not this one from Led Zepplin…
I’ll try to record the speech and post it here.