Why Culture Encounter? Why not Counter-Culture?

I recently read a book called Joining Jesus On His Mission by Greg Finke.
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It’s a short book and an easy read (double win for the busy church-worker).  The book has a lot to offer in the way of ideas to chew on and practical tips for reaching out to the people around us with the love of Christ.  It really boils down to making an effort to notice the people around you, and try to see what needs the Lord has put before you in your every-day life.

Reading this book has inspired me to write a summer sermon series with the same name as the blog Culture Encounter.  Each week we will be examining different aspects of our current culture and seeing where we have a chance to engage people in a meaningful way with the words, and heart, and life of Jesus Christ.  We aren’t trying to be contrary, but as Christians, we realize we have something substantial and eternal to offer the world in place of the disposable, and shallowness that we see all around us.

I will post the sermons here starting in June, and will also use this forum to get feedback, share further ideas, and the “WINS” we all experience as we walk this road together.  Thanks for joining us!

Rev. Matt Hoffmann



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